Crushed concrete is made from old concrete aggregate which has been crushed to be used in other applications, primarily as a road base. It has a great impact on the environment since it’s a renewable resource and cost-effective. It is easier to produce than virgin aggregate and lighter. It can also be used as a base for patios and driveways. Crushed concrete can be made up other materials such as brick, hardcore, tarmac and wood. There are many sizes of crushed concrete particles, from 75 mm to a dust. There are several grades: Type 1 Frost Heave, Type 2 Crushed Concrete, 6F3 Crushed Material and Type 1 Graded Crushed Concrete. Each has specific specifications and use.
We can deliver this material to your site within 100 miles of our location. We sell it by the ton and a typical truckload is 20 – 22 tons. Please contact us today for a quote.